Sunday, January 27, 2008

I'm worried about my bunny. He hasn't jumped out of his cage in a while and I think he's peeing a little bit more than normal. Errrr, it's super aggravating. He's acting normal, so I think I'm overreacting.

I had a wonderful popcorn party! Two girls from the Well came over last night and we made kettle corn and salty popcorn and some cookies and had grapefruit and tangerine Italian soda and watched Funny Face. I had to be careful to not sing through the whole movie. :)) It was super last minute because my roommates were out of town and so I figured considering I don't feel comfortable having people over when my roommates are home (let's not even start with how sad and messed up that situation is), why not throw a party when they aren't!! It was great for being last minute. I only wish I could do it more often. It felt so wonderful to actually sit on the couch!

And now reality sets back in as my roommates return. It had to end sometime.

If only this weather would stay nice...and not when I'm sick so I can go out for a few runs. I'm confident that I'll be fine for the Shamrock Shuffle because I at least have been going to my Spin class. Melissa and I are going to find sometime this week to go to Crunch class and get in some hardcore ab work outs done.

But in the meantime, the countdown to May 31 is 125 days...or approximately four months. It doesn't seem that bad? I mean I've already made it through one month of utter crap, and seven of some good times and some really bad news. It's really going to come sooner than I think....I hope.

Praise: Safe trips from FL and IN
Prayer: That I get over this silly cold!

1 comment:

The Accidental Boilermaker said...

hey you - just thought i'd say hi. hope you and bunbun are doing fine!