I sent the jacket back. Megan and I had a DTR (defining the relationship) about our friendship. I ordered a new jacket. And I am ready for spring and a new apartment.
I should just leave the blog at that. Succinct, blunt.....but I'm not like that. Haha. I'm at Mercury Cafe. My new favorite homework cafe...and the place were Megan works. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. I will, just after this.
I did send the nice, warm, pretty Lands' End jacket back. The sleeves were way to short. And although I wanted to keep it, it would have been an unwise decision. So I returned it.
Megan and I have not really talked lately, well lately as in the two weeks before this past week. This past week we were inseparable. I was sick and busy and she was busy, but I guess she was frustrated with me. So we talked and realized how much we both cherish our friendship and figured out what we need to do to keep supporting the other. Thus our DTR.
As soon as I realized I did not want the Lands' End jacket I went searching for another jacket. And found one on BlueFly.com. It's Marc New York by Marc Jacobs and was on uber sale. Let me see if I can find a picture of it.
Ok that worked. It's brown and obviously not as long but hopefully the sleeves aren't too short on this one because I am sick of this whole looking for a jacket thing. And I just want to be warm. Hopefully Spring will fix that.
And now for apartments. I still have no idea where or with whom I am going to live with, but let's all just pray God takes care of this whole situation....because I obviously can't handle it. One option I've been thinking about is getting a July 1st lease and just commuting in for the last week of class in June and the couple finals I'll have that next week. Because after that I'll be in West Virginia for Alexis's wedding. Then the next week I can stay at home and then go to Meg's wedding. Then find an apartment?
I don't know. But I don't think I'm supposed to know. This is going to be a well learned lesson of trusting God.
Okays, time for some stream of consciousness reading. Frank Chin's short stories. :))
I should just leave the blog at that. Succinct, blunt.....but I'm not like that. Haha. I'm at Mercury Cafe. My new favorite homework cafe...and the place were Megan works. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. I will, just after this.
I did send the nice, warm, pretty Lands' End jacket back. The sleeves were way to short. And although I wanted to keep it, it would have been an unwise decision. So I returned it.
Megan and I have not really talked lately, well lately as in the two weeks before this past week. This past week we were inseparable. I was sick and busy and she was busy, but I guess she was frustrated with me. So we talked and realized how much we both cherish our friendship and figured out what we need to do to keep supporting the other. Thus our DTR.
As soon as I realized I did not want the Lands' End jacket I went searching for another jacket. And found one on BlueFly.com. It's Marc New York by Marc Jacobs and was on uber sale. Let me see if I can find a picture of it.
And now for apartments. I still have no idea where or with whom I am going to live with, but let's all just pray God takes care of this whole situation....because I obviously can't handle it. One option I've been thinking about is getting a July 1st lease and just commuting in for the last week of class in June and the couple finals I'll have that next week. Because after that I'll be in West Virginia for Alexis's wedding. Then the next week I can stay at home and then go to Meg's wedding. Then find an apartment?
I don't know. But I don't think I'm supposed to know. This is going to be a well learned lesson of trusting God.
Okays, time for some stream of consciousness reading. Frank Chin's short stories. :))
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