I got my new jacket and it fits! Success.
Oh and it's Marc New York by Andrew Marc....not Marc Jacobs. Misinformation on my part...but Baker Liz told me that Marc New York is a very good brand! So I'm happy. I have to read The Grifters tonight.....uck, although it seems like a good book, so it's not worth complaining that much. I'm off.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I sent the jacket back. Megan and I had a DTR (defining the relationship) about our friendship. I ordered a new jacket. And I am ready for spring and a new apartment.
I should just leave the blog at that. Succinct, blunt.....but I'm not like that. Haha. I'm at Mercury Cafe. My new favorite homework cafe...and the place were Megan works. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. I will, just after this.
I did send the nice, warm, pretty Lands' End jacket back. The sleeves were way to short. And although I wanted to keep it, it would have been an unwise decision. So I returned it.
Megan and I have not really talked lately, well lately as in the two weeks before this past week. This past week we were inseparable. I was sick and busy and she was busy, but I guess she was frustrated with me. So we talked and realized how much we both cherish our friendship and figured out what we need to do to keep supporting the other. Thus our DTR.
As soon as I realized I did not want the Lands' End jacket I went searching for another jacket. And found one on BlueFly.com. It's Marc New York by Marc Jacobs and was on uber sale. Let me see if I can find a picture of it.
Ok that worked. It's brown and obviously not as long but hopefully the sleeves aren't too short on this one because I am sick of this whole looking for a jacket thing. And I just want to be warm. Hopefully Spring will fix that.
And now for apartments. I still have no idea where or with whom I am going to live with, but let's all just pray God takes care of this whole situation....because I obviously can't handle it. One option I've been thinking about is getting a July 1st lease and just commuting in for the last week of class in June and the couple finals I'll have that next week. Because after that I'll be in West Virginia for Alexis's wedding. Then the next week I can stay at home and then go to Meg's wedding. Then find an apartment?
I don't know. But I don't think I'm supposed to know. This is going to be a well learned lesson of trusting God.
Okays, time for some stream of consciousness reading. Frank Chin's short stories. :))
I should just leave the blog at that. Succinct, blunt.....but I'm not like that. Haha. I'm at Mercury Cafe. My new favorite homework cafe...and the place were Megan works. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now. I will, just after this.
I did send the nice, warm, pretty Lands' End jacket back. The sleeves were way to short. And although I wanted to keep it, it would have been an unwise decision. So I returned it.
Megan and I have not really talked lately, well lately as in the two weeks before this past week. This past week we were inseparable. I was sick and busy and she was busy, but I guess she was frustrated with me. So we talked and realized how much we both cherish our friendship and figured out what we need to do to keep supporting the other. Thus our DTR.
As soon as I realized I did not want the Lands' End jacket I went searching for another jacket. And found one on BlueFly.com. It's Marc New York by Marc Jacobs and was on uber sale. Let me see if I can find a picture of it.
And now for apartments. I still have no idea where or with whom I am going to live with, but let's all just pray God takes care of this whole situation....because I obviously can't handle it. One option I've been thinking about is getting a July 1st lease and just commuting in for the last week of class in June and the couple finals I'll have that next week. Because after that I'll be in West Virginia for Alexis's wedding. Then the next week I can stay at home and then go to Meg's wedding. Then find an apartment?
I don't know. But I don't think I'm supposed to know. This is going to be a well learned lesson of trusting God.
Okays, time for some stream of consciousness reading. Frank Chin's short stories. :))
Thursday, February 21, 2008
No class.
Well I do have one class today, but my Literary Critique class got cancelled! I actually really enjoy that class, and mostly the professor, but a cancelled class is a cancelled class! So I'm just going to relax, make myself some coffee and do nothing in the hour and a half slot where I would be peer editing psychological critiques of Poe's "The Black Cat," which I might say is a great short story. Read it if you have not. That and Lorrie Moore's "People Like That Are The Only People Here."
Movies you should watch: L.A. Confidential, The Professional (the remake, not the french one, this one has natalie portman in her first role at age 13), and The Maltese Falcon. Can you tell I'm in a film noir class? The Professional is kinda bloody, but if you don't look, like me, then the rest of the movie is great! And to offset all those noir/neo-noir films...catch up on some fun...That Thing You Do!
I'm currently listening to Iron and Wine and it's so funny. It's almost like deja vu. I still feel bad for Sam Beam in that Wheaton told him to edit his songs for the concert. Ew.
I just got an email from Lands' End....my package is already in Chicago. I'm impressed. I will be even more impressed if I get it by the end of today, especially because I work today. And I want it for tomorrow when Megan and I adventure out to the Shedd Aquarium because admission is free through tomorrow! Then I'm going to her Urban Major class and then we are going out to dinner with Judy Blumhofer....whom I love and miss dearly. She is in her last "year" at Rush before she spends two years as an intern...if it's like Grey's Anatomy I sort of understand the process. Well I'll just remember to ask and then explain here later. :))
I've decided to be extra good with my money. I have been lately, I'm actually pretty proud....(the coat purchase was much needed and from saved Christmas money). But I figure because I got a dollar raise and because I'll be working more hours next quarter (as long as I'm not too stressed out) I'll be able to save a little more for a potential vacation to the Czech once I graduate in 2010.
Well seeing as it's not that early, I'd better get around to calling some special people (Mimi and Grandpa) to wish them Happy [& Belated] Birthdays! Then I might nap. :))
Movies you should watch: L.A. Confidential, The Professional (the remake, not the french one, this one has natalie portman in her first role at age 13), and The Maltese Falcon. Can you tell I'm in a film noir class? The Professional is kinda bloody, but if you don't look, like me, then the rest of the movie is great! And to offset all those noir/neo-noir films...catch up on some fun...That Thing You Do!
I'm currently listening to Iron and Wine and it's so funny. It's almost like deja vu. I still feel bad for Sam Beam in that Wheaton told him to edit his songs for the concert. Ew.
I just got an email from Lands' End....my package is already in Chicago. I'm impressed. I will be even more impressed if I get it by the end of today, especially because I work today. And I want it for tomorrow when Megan and I adventure out to the Shedd Aquarium because admission is free through tomorrow! Then I'm going to her Urban Major class and then we are going out to dinner with Judy Blumhofer....whom I love and miss dearly. She is in her last "year" at Rush before she spends two years as an intern...if it's like Grey's Anatomy I sort of understand the process. Well I'll just remember to ask and then explain here later. :))
I've decided to be extra good with my money. I have been lately, I'm actually pretty proud....(the coat purchase was much needed and from saved Christmas money). But I figure because I got a dollar raise and because I'll be working more hours next quarter (as long as I'm not too stressed out) I'll be able to save a little more for a potential vacation to the Czech once I graduate in 2010.
Well seeing as it's not that early, I'd better get around to calling some special people (Mimi and Grandpa) to wish them Happy [& Belated] Birthdays! Then I might nap. :))
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Warmth is on the Way
No longer will I be cold. I hope so at least. Yesterday I bought a Lands' End 'Women's Chalet Long Down Coat.' I really want it now though, especially because it's so incredibly chilly! It's temperature rating tells me it (the coat) will keep me warm in -40 to -25 degrees Fahrenheit...I'm excited.
I went out to the Mercury Cafe yesterday to do some homework and visit Megan Yoho....she just got a job there. It's in West Town so I took the Brown Line to Chicago and then took the #66 Chicago Bus to Mercury. It didn't take me as long as I had anticipated. I didn't even have to wait for a bus! The worst part was the walk home from the Armitage stop, it's not far, but it the temp had dropped and the wind was in my face.
For once in a handful of weeks, I feel like I have some downtime/a grasp of what needs to be done and the time with which to do it. I'm hoping that this is what gets me well. I guess because I don't really have an immune system right now I got a pretty nasty cold and it still has not gone away, and the shingles are scabbing over, but they still itch/hurt.
Despite all that, I will be warm come next week when I get a package delivered to the Bakery!
I was going to upload a photo of the image, but blogger is being stupid and even though I've hit the picture button it doesn't do anything. The spell check button doesn't work either...I'm slightly annoyed.....oops, I just got it to work. Disregard the previous rant.
I've got to watch L.A. Confidential now....and maybe nap :))
I went out to the Mercury Cafe yesterday to do some homework and visit Megan Yoho....she just got a job there. It's in West Town so I took the Brown Line to Chicago and then took the #66 Chicago Bus to Mercury. It didn't take me as long as I had anticipated. I didn't even have to wait for a bus! The worst part was the walk home from the Armitage stop, it's not far, but it the temp had dropped and the wind was in my face.
For once in a handful of weeks, I feel like I have some downtime/a grasp of what needs to be done and the time with which to do it. I'm hoping that this is what gets me well. I guess because I don't really have an immune system right now I got a pretty nasty cold and it still has not gone away, and the shingles are scabbing over, but they still itch/hurt.
Despite all that, I will be warm come next week when I get a package delivered to the Bakery!
I was going to upload a photo of the image, but blogger is being stupid and even though I've hit the picture button it doesn't do anything. The spell check button doesn't work either...I'm slightly annoyed.....oops, I just got it to work. Disregard the previous rant.
I've got to watch L.A. Confidential now....and maybe nap :))
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Stress, Valentines Day, and Shingles!
I have been running around like a half-dead chicken for the past two weeks and what's the pay off you ask? Good grades? Self-discipline?
Shingles. That's the payoff. Yup....I have what mostly old folks get with compromised immune systems. My body is the equivilant of an old crochety woman who doesn't get enough sleep. I don't have the energy to explain the details of shingles but it hurts, not horribly but it's uncomfortable. I worked a 9 hour day today but I don't have to work again til Thursday.
Lesson learned...don't pick up extra shifts during midterms week or the week of Valentine's Day for that matter. Well to be precise I first noticed the symptoms a week ago so it's more like the week before Valentine's but whatever.
I just want a day to sleep. I think I'll go to church tomorrow and then sleep afterwards for a while. Sounds good to me. I've been so busy I think the bunny is sad. He just needs a better apartment....this one isn't suiting him. :))
I went to the Iron and Wine concert yesterday....amazing! I had such a great time, shingles and Wheaton and all! But it's time for a mini nap before I head out for a movie night with some folks from the Well. I love those people...they're just amazing!
Smiles :))
Shingles. That's the payoff. Yup....I have what mostly old folks get with compromised immune systems. My body is the equivilant of an old crochety woman who doesn't get enough sleep. I don't have the energy to explain the details of shingles but it hurts, not horribly but it's uncomfortable. I worked a 9 hour day today but I don't have to work again til Thursday.
Lesson learned...don't pick up extra shifts during midterms week or the week of Valentine's Day for that matter. Well to be precise I first noticed the symptoms a week ago so it's more like the week before Valentine's but whatever.
I just want a day to sleep. I think I'll go to church tomorrow and then sleep afterwards for a while. Sounds good to me. I've been so busy I think the bunny is sad. He just needs a better apartment....this one isn't suiting him. :))
I went to the Iron and Wine concert yesterday....amazing! I had such a great time, shingles and Wheaton and all! But it's time for a mini nap before I head out for a movie night with some folks from the Well. I love those people...they're just amazing!
Smiles :))
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Spring Quarter line-up
Tuesdays and Thursdays:
10:10-11:40 Restoration/18th Century English Lit
1:30-3:00 Shakespeare
3:10-4:40 Topics of Comparative Literature: Sappho to Shakespeare
5:45-9pm Philosophical Themes in Literature: Heidegger on literature and poetry
Not exactly what I was hoping for. But what worked out best. Classes filled up extra quickly this quarter. But I'm excited....all these professors are supposed to be amazing! I'm just going to be uber busy. :))
But the best part is I have a four day weekend. Except it can't really be a real weekend because I'll have work and lots of homework! I'm happy nonetheless.
10:10-11:40 Restoration/18th Century English Lit
1:30-3:00 Shakespeare
3:10-4:40 Topics of Comparative Literature: Sappho to Shakespeare
5:45-9pm Philosophical Themes in Literature: Heidegger on literature and poetry
Not exactly what I was hoping for. But what worked out best. Classes filled up extra quickly this quarter. But I'm excited....all these professors are supposed to be amazing! I'm just going to be uber busy. :))
But the best part is I have a four day weekend. Except it can't really be a real weekend because I'll have work and lots of homework! I'm happy nonetheless.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Birth Control and Fur-Lined Panties
"It's been too long," said in a Lizzy kiddy accent. It has been too long. I've missed blogging...ok, too mushy but I have missed the free time with which I used to blog.
Hehe, the bunny is running around. I love it when everyone is gone and I can bring the bunny into the living room so he can run and hop and play on the rug. He's so happy and that makes me happy. And sad at the same time because this rarely happens and a bunny need more running around time. He's doing a little bunny dance where he hops sideways and sniffs everything.
Midterms are almost over. I'm putting off writing a 1 page paper for my soph sem class till after I'm done blogging. Then it's still going to be a busy week, but it'll go by quickly. I love the quarter system.
Last night I went to DePaul's Homecoming....super fun! My feet kill, but the 3 inch sexy sexy heels look was worth it. I had a blast and totally want to go next year. I also will be going to see Iron and Wine this friday....so excited!
But the ultimate point of this blog is.......how amazing hilarious my aunt Irene is. Wow. Today Mommy, Daddy, Meredith and me go to her house and get Chinese food. To set the scene: Daddy and Meredith are out picking the food up and Irene and Mommy and I are talking in the living room. Irene is talking about her last trip to the doctor and how she writes up a list to go through of questions for her doctor. She told us that the last question she asked him, in a hushed voice, was....did he have any sample birth control pills?!
Haha, the doctor asked what she thought she needed those for. Her reply was, "I have a sick plant in need of some estrogen." :)) He gave her some too!
Then later at dinner we were talking about how our (Carol Stream) house is always set at 64 (mind you, Irene's thermostat was at the moment around 75). Once Irene found out we keep it that low she said we're gonna need fur-lined panties to get through this winter. :))
I love it. :))
Hehe, the bunny is running around. I love it when everyone is gone and I can bring the bunny into the living room so he can run and hop and play on the rug. He's so happy and that makes me happy. And sad at the same time because this rarely happens and a bunny need more running around time. He's doing a little bunny dance where he hops sideways and sniffs everything.
Midterms are almost over. I'm putting off writing a 1 page paper for my soph sem class till after I'm done blogging. Then it's still going to be a busy week, but it'll go by quickly. I love the quarter system.
Last night I went to DePaul's Homecoming....super fun! My feet kill, but the 3 inch sexy sexy heels look was worth it. I had a blast and totally want to go next year. I also will be going to see Iron and Wine this friday....so excited!
But the ultimate point of this blog is.......how amazing hilarious my aunt Irene is. Wow. Today Mommy, Daddy, Meredith and me go to her house and get Chinese food. To set the scene: Daddy and Meredith are out picking the food up and Irene and Mommy and I are talking in the living room. Irene is talking about her last trip to the doctor and how she writes up a list to go through of questions for her doctor. She told us that the last question she asked him, in a hushed voice, was....did he have any sample birth control pills?!
Haha, the doctor asked what she thought she needed those for. Her reply was, "I have a sick plant in need of some estrogen." :)) He gave her some too!
Then later at dinner we were talking about how our (Carol Stream) house is always set at 64 (mind you, Irene's thermostat was at the moment around 75). Once Irene found out we keep it that low she said we're gonna need fur-lined panties to get through this winter. :))
I love it. :))
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